Wednesday 16 January 2013

Book 7 - The Stornoway Way

The Stornoway Way by Kevin MacNeil - first published in 2005

I’m not really sure how to describe this novel.  It is the ramblings of a 30-year-old alcoholic artist about the realities of life on the Isle of Lewis.   He has recently moved back to Stornoway after some years away in Edinburgh and abroad and spends most of his time drinking with his friends and acquaintances.   The book is funny and sad at the same time and don’t expect a happy ending because there isn’t one.  It won’t make you want to visit Lewis but it is a strangely compelling and unusual book.  I liked the translations of Gaelic words and phrases given as footnotes on many of the pages but thought a pronunciation guide would have been useful.  7/10

Islands covered – Lewis and Harris


 Stornoway from Lews Castle grounds

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