Tuesday 15 January 2013

Book 6 - Written in Bone

Written in Bone by Simon Beckett - first published in 2007
Forensic anthropologist Dr David Hunter and two local police officers are sent to the small fictional island of Runa, which is supposed to be in the Outer Hebrides.  David Hunter is asked to examine a body, which is lying in a ruined house.  On arrival they are met by Andrew Brody, who lives on Runa and who is a retired police officer.   The body has been almost completely incinerated apart from the feet and one hand, although the rest of the room did not burn.  The local police are convinced that it is an accidental death but David Hunter is not so sure.  The next day an Atlantic storm arrives, which cuts off all power and communication with the mainland.  Then a second person is killed and a third…  David Hunter learns that you can trust no one.  I really enjoyed this book and stayed up until after midnight one night reading it.

Written in Bone is a sequel to The Chemistry of Death, which also features Dr David Hunter but which is set in Norfolk.  The 3rd and 4th in the series are Whispers of the Dead and The Calling of the Grave.


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