Tuesday 22 January 2013

Book 9 - Heartland

Heartland by John MacKay - first published in 2004

This novel has many plot characteristics in common with Peter May's The Lewis Man.  The main character - Iain Martin - returns to his native Isle of Lewis to rebuild his family's ruined black house after the breakdown of his marriage and resigning from his job in mainland Scotland.  The plot of both novels centres around the discovery of a corpse buried on the island.

Iain discovers a skeleton beneath the floor of the black house on the west coast of Lewis but decides to keep his discovery to himself while he tries to work out who it is and how long it has been there.  A crime has been committed but this isn't a crime novel.  It is more about the relationships that Iain has with his mother and old friends Catriona and Neilie.  When they were teenagers a mutual friend called Rob disappeared and was presumed drowned while on a fishing trip.  Soon after Catriona married Neilie, although Iain has always wished that she had married him.  Iain suspects that the skeleton might be Rob's and that Neilie murdered him.  7/10

Islands covered - Lewis

 Butt of Lewis at the north end of the Isle of Lewis

 Traigh Ghearadha - north of New Tolsta
 - on the east coast rather than the west but it is very similar to the one in described in Heartland near to where Iain is rebuilding his family's black house.

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