Saturday 23 April 2016

Book 68 - The Bed I Made

The Bed I Made by Lucie Whitehouse - first published in 2010

The fact that it took me over a year to finish this book, says it all.  I did read plenty of other books during that year but rarely felt inclined to pick this one up again.

Kate flees to the Isle of Wight from London to escape her ex-boyfriend, Richard, who is violent and manipulative.  As she is a professional translator, she can carry on working from the Isle of Wight.  She had holidayed on the island as a child and settles down in a rented house in Yarmouth.  she makes a few friends and starts a relationship with Peter, whose wife has recently disappeared and is presumed drowned.  However Richard tracks Kate down and begins to stalk her.  The book is slow moving apart from the last few pages and I didn't really like Kate - she spends too much time feeling sorry for herself.

 Compton Chine on the south coast of the Isle of Wight

 Yarmouth Harbour - Gribble Seat

Islands covered - Isle of Wight

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