Tuesday 15 April 2014

Book 52 - Try a little Lowliness

Try a little Lowliness: Memoirs of a Cistercian Novice by Paddy Lyons - first published in 2009

Paddy Lyons spent several years in the early 1960s living as a novice with the community of Benedictine monks on the island of Caldey, which is located a mile or so to the south of the town of Tenby in Pembrokeshire.  Known as Brother Daniel he had to learn to live a very simple and austere life of study, worship, prayer and hard physical labour on the monastery farm largely in silence - the monk communicated using sign language.  The monks ate a vegetarian diet, were allowed one bath a week and attended numerous church services throughout the day and night. Daniel struggled to live according to the very strict Rule of St Benedict.

The monks weren't always assigned the jobs they were best at and consequently Daniel, who was not the most gifted musician had to play the organ at some of the daily services.  The monk who was given the job as cook wasn't great at it and so most of the food they ate was unappetising.

Despite being vegetarians the monks kept battery hens and broiler chickens in far from ideal conditions, which seemed to be at odds with their gentle spirituality.

There are however some humorous moments in the book e.g. the strange behaviour of an elderly monk with dementia and the swimming lessons in the sea that the monks had to take after the visiting Abbot General of the Cistercian Order discovered that most of them couldn't swim. 

What is most striking is the austerity and complete obedience in the life of the monks.  Peace abounds but what seems lacking is joy.  During Daniel's time on Caldey many other potential recruits came and left.  For various reasons most of them were unable to accept the lifestyle of an endless cycle of work, study and prayer with no leisure time.

After a few years Daniel left Caldey and married and had children and a career but his reasons for leaving are not part of this book.

This book gives a rare insight into a very private world.  9/10

Islands covered - Caldey 

 Calvary - looking north towards the mainland

 Priory Beach

 Cliffs on the east coast looking towards Paul Jones Bay

 Caldey Lighthouse

 The Abbey

 Priory Beach

 St David's Church

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