Wednesday 9 October 2013

Book 37 - The Stormy Petrel

The Stormy Petrel by Mary Stewart - first published in 1991

Cambridge University lecturer Rose Fenemore arrives on the fictional island of Moila (which is supposed to be located between Mull and Coll & Tiree) to stay in a remote cottage for a few weeks.  Her brother Crispin is supposed to be joining her a day or so later but he is slightly injured in a train crash on his way there, so he is delayed.  One stormy evening 2 men arrive separately at her cottage seeking shelter but neither of them has a convincing story about why they are on the island.  Rose chooses to believe Ewen Mackay and together they set out to find out why the other man, who calls himself John Parsons, is on the island.  There is a bit of suspense and a touch of romance but the eventual outcome isn't that exciting.

I was certain that I had read this book when it first came out but I didn't remember any of the plot, so maybe I am mistaken or maybe I have read too many books in the last 20 years to be able to remember all the plots.   7/10

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