Wednesday 12 June 2013

Book 28 - Over the Sea to Skye

Over the Sea to Skye by Sally Stewart - first published in 2007

Don't expect this novel to change the way you view the world but it is an amiable enough story with a happy, if predictable ending.

Louise Maitland's brother and his wife are killed in a car accident leaving their young children - Jamie and Fiona as orphans.  Louise takes them to live with her father and rather austere aunt Janet in an old manse on the Sleat Peninsula of the Isle of Skye but then decides to stay and live there herself, rather than return to her life as a chef in London.  A Canadian Iain Macrae, whose ancestors left Skye several generations earlier, meets Louise and the children by chance on several occasions.  He falls in love with Louise but she rejects him.  Meanwhile a millionaire businessman wants to buy the manse, kirk and adjacent croft, demolish the buildings and redevelop the site into a holiday complex.  Iain comes up with a plan to stop him.  The Sleat Peninsula, the Cuillins, Skye Bridge and Portree all feature in the story.  6/10

Islands covered - Skye

 Skye Bridge from Kyleakin

 Portree Harbour

 The Cuillins from Kilmory on Rum

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