Monday 11 March 2013

Book 19 - Emotional Geology

Emotional Geology by Linda Gillard - first published in 2005

Textile artist Rose Leonard retreats to a cottage on the coast of North Uist to recover from the hurt she felt at the end of a long term relationship with climber Gavin.  Rose soon meets and is attracted to a local teacher called Calum, who turns out to have a past that he cannot forget either.  Rose and Calum eventually realise that they can help each other along their roads to recovery.  I thought there was going to be a lot of tedious navel gazing and wallowing in self-pity and there is some of this.  However the story is more complex and also includes the themes of bipolar disorder, alcoholism, guilt and betrayal.

Islands covered - North Uist and Benbecula

 Pobull Fhinn Stone Circle, North Uist
in the book Rose and her daughter Megan visit this place

 Mackerel sculpture outside the Arts Centre at Lochmaddy -
the sculpture doesn't feature in the story but the Arts Centre does.

 Balranald, RSPB Reserve, North Uist
Rose and Megan pay this place a visit.

 Sunset near Lochmaddy, North Uist

Locheport, North Uist

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